Hyaluronic Acid - Skin Boosters

 Hyaluronic Acid - Skin Boosters

Ο Πλαστικός Χειρουργός Γεσάκης Κανέλλος, πραγματοποιεί όλες τις προηγμένες μη επεμβατικές αισθητικές θεραπείες προσώπου και σώματος. Plastic Surgeon Gesakis Kanellos performs all advanced non-invasive aesthetic treatments for the face and body

Hyaluronic acid is made from a hydrophilic protein, glycosaminoglycan, which naturally exists in our body.

Hyaluronic acid promotes the production and maintenance of collagen in our body.

Therefore, injectable hyaluronic acid is an excellent material for naturally restoring volume to the face and not just for "filling" wrinkles.

Indications and applications:

  • Restore lost volume in the face
  • Shaping and lifting of the zygomatic arches
  • Shaping the jaw line (contouring)
  • Highlighting the outline of the lips and increasing their volume
  • Filling of the nasolabial fold
  • Smoothing of perioral wrinkles ("smoker's wrinkles")
  • Chin shaping / augmentation
  • Eliminate dark circles

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Ο Dr. Γεσάκης συμβουλεύει

It has an immediately visible effect so the patient can decide on the amount of material to be injected.

The material used is biodegradable by our body, and the result lasts from 8-12 months

The procedure is quick (5-10 minutes) and painless.

The patient can immediately return to his daily activities.

All the injectable materials used for each treatment are certified and approved by the FDA
in our clinic. You can choose the material with the advice of the Doctor.

It is recommended to repeat the treatment every 5-6 months. Even our body will not have absorbed the entire material, but this will result in a smaller amount being used and more minor changes noticeable, thus achieving a more natural result.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, personal history of systemic autoimmune diseases
(e.g., Lupus Erythematosus), and verified hypersensitivity.

 Hyaluronic Acid - Skin Boosters
